Įkėlė: Leker.pl   |   Įkėlimo data: 14.02.2018

Changes at Leker.pl

Dear Sir or Madam,

from January 2018 we started IT work aimed at improving the B2B platform. The graphic design of the website and the graphic mark of the Leker.pl warehouse also change. The B2B platform will be enriched with new features that will allow you to browse the offer even more easily and orderly.

New tools will also be added to support the sale of the range purchased from our toy wholesaler.

Modifications and improvements will also be subject to a notification system about new products.

We believe that all changes will contribute to even more comfortable cooperation and will directly translate into increased sales in your stores.

We would like to thank our existing clients and invite new people to fruitful cooperation.

Daugiau kaip 1,5 tūkst. klientų
Daugiau kaip 2,5 tūkst. produktų
45 firminiai ženklai
Beveik 15 tūkst. užsakymų kiekvienais metais